Corporate Social Responsibility is core to Ereira Mendoza’s values and ethos.
They consider the work life balance question as outdated. All aspects of life, be it work, family, interests and community engagement now merge symbiotically. Ereira Mendoza’s attitude to CSR is captured by this entry in Anne Frank’s Diary, “no one has ever become poor by giving”. Every member of the Team gives to what resonates for them as individuals.
The Team
Joe Reece
Joe is deeply committed to charitable activities. He dedicates significant time to mentoring young professionals in the property industry and participating in befriending schemes for a national social care charity, aimed at supporting individuals with mental health struggles.
George Cook
George dedicates his personal time to various charitable causes and volunteering hours. He is a registered APC Counsellor through the RICS, a mentor for Sixth form students at Monmouth School, Treasurer of the Retails & Leisure Agents Society, and participates in charity fundraising events, including triathlons, cricket matches and an annual fundraising auction in Fulham for Prostate Cancer UK.